Taylor Preston – Gatorade Volleyball Player of the Year

Taylor Preston was presented with the Gatorade Volleyball Player of the Year trophy and banner that will hang in the school gym. She is only the 2nd volleyball player from Northern Kentucky to receive this award. Taylor was also given the opportunity to “Play it...

SHDHS recognizes Crusader Champion Awards 2021-2022

Beckie Middendorf -SHDHS Advancement Director For successful and tireless efforts in Student Enrollment, Capital Campaign, Fund Raising, Student Endowment, Alumni, and Public Relations. Beckie’s life is a demonstration of our theme, “Stand Firm in Faith,” and it...

The Cru Cafe celebrated the Bengals and Valentine’s Day

The Cru Cafe was a joint effort this week! Besides the cocoa bar, we celebrated the Bengals and Valentine’s Day with theme-decorated rice crispy treats! All proceeds will be donated to the National Buddy Walk Program that was established in 1995 by the National...

SHDHS production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

All of these students may not look busy in the photos, but they have been working hard preparing for the SHDHS production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.  Cast members are learning lines, songs, blocking, and choreography, while crew members are building the...

SHDHS Celebrates Bengals Nation

THANK YOU for all of the support for this year’s $10K Raffle. We’re thrilled to announce that we MET OUR GOAL!! This means that we are on a 90-minute delay this coming Monday, Feb. 14 (and all students can be Out of Uniform).#WhoDey The entire school has...

SHDHS Faculty and Students Celebrate Catholic Schools Week.

  Hannah Neils, Maria Brockman, Meredith Kappes, Ainsley Potter, Sophie Rodino, Tess Parks, Carson Gould The Catholic School Week theme for this past Monday was “Service.” Each grade level began its discussion on its service-learning theme in the...