KHSAA Eligibility Center

As a St. Henry student athlete, you are required to abide by a number of standards set by the KHSAA and St. Henry District High School. The Student Athlete Handbook highlights some of these guidelines; however, it is the responsibility of the student athlete to become familiar with all applicable guidelines. If you are in doubt about your academic standing as it relates to your athletic eligibility, please consult with your coach or other athletic department staff members with questions about applicable rules.

Academic Eligibility Requirements:

Evaluations: Weekly evaluations are required for all school-sponsored athletics. The Athletic Director will compile a list of participants.

At Risk: A student will be considered “at risk” if he/she is failing one class on the weekly evaluation. The Head Coach of each sport will be notified of any student at risk and he/she will be required to personally contact the parents by phone and inform them of the “at risk” status of the student.

Probation: A student is permitted to practice but cannot participate in an event while on probation. Parents will be contacted. A student is on probation for any of the following reasons:

  1. A student who is failing two classes.
  2. A student who has two unsatisfactory grades (fours or fives) in conduct.
  3. A combination of one failing class and one unsatisfactory conduct grade. This combination must come from two different teachers.
    (ex. Teacher A and Teacher B both have the same student in class. The student receives a 65% and a four in conduct from Teacher A but has no other failures or conduct marks above a three: this student is not on probation. If the student receives a 65% from Teacher A and a four in conduct from Teacher B, this student is on probation.)

A student is not permitted to practice, attend, or participate in any event while ineligible and the parents will be contacted. A student will be ineligible for any of the following:

  1. A student who is failing three or more classes.
  2. A student who has three or more unsatisfactory conduct grades.
  3. A student who has a combination, which totals three, of failing classes and unsatisfactory conduct grades. This combination must come from at least two different teachers.
  4. A student who has been on probation for two consecutive weeks.
  5. Two consecutive weeks of ineligibility or frequent ineligibility will result in  a meeting with coaches, athletic director, and school administration to determine what additional action should be taken.

Attendance: A student must be in attendance for a full day of school on the day of the event in order to participate. A student who is absent or in attendance for a half-day is not permitted to attend meetings, practice, or play in a game or activity on that day. This is more commonly called the “8:30” Rule. If you are not in school by 8:30am, then you can not practice or play in any sporting event that night.