Hannah Neils, Maria Brockman, Meredith Kappes, Ainsley Potter, Sophie Rodino, Tess Parks, Carson Gould

The Catholic School Week theme for this past Monday was “Service.” Each grade level began its discussion on its service-learning theme in the classroom. Students were also encouraged to consider volunteering for upcoming service opportunities. At flex time, the student body gathered together to kick off a shoes/clothing drive for the Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky and listen to speaker Kim Webb share about her work at the Emergency Shelter.

Though St. Henry District High School strives to develop servant-leaders who do not seek their glory, it is still good to recognize the effort students put forth to serve the community. The records-to-date for this school year indicate that St. Henry students have performed 3,490 hours * of community service – an average of roughly 7.75 hours per student. Of those hours, most have been contributed by the Junior class (way to go, Juniors!). Finally, individual students were also recognized during the assembly. The students who have performed the most hours of service so far this year are Meredith Kappes (Jr), Tess Parks (Jr), Ainsley Potter (Fr), Hannah Neils (Sr), and Carson Gould (So). Maria Brockman (Sr) and Sophie Rodino (Jr) have also cracked the Top 5 in terms of students who have completed the most Red Hours (time spent serving the poor, vulnerable, etc.).

“Christ has nobody now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world.” St. Teresa of Avila