Scholarships Recipients

2022-2023 Bill Tobergte Memorial Scholarship Recipients

The 2022-2023 Bill Tobergte Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to James Constant, Lake Durrett, and Olivia Massey. This scholarship was established in the loving memory of Bill Tobergte by his children. Applicants must submit a written essay answering two questions: “How is my life Christian based?” and “How is volunteerism a part of my life?” In addition to the essay, the Tobergte family also considers each student’s Christian behavior, extracurricular participation, and grade point average when selecting. Typically, this scholarship is awarded to only one student, but the Tobergte family chose to award their scholarship to three deserving students this year. Congratulations to James, Lake, and Olivia!

Olivia Massey

2022-2023 Bill Tobergte Memorial Scholarship

Lake Durrett

2022-2023 Bill Tobergte Memorial Scholarship

James Constant

2022-2023 Bill Tobergte Memorial Scholarship

2022-2023 Kroger, Wendling, and Wilde Memorial Scholarships Recipients

The 2022-2023 June Kohorst Kroger Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Rachel Stanchek. Family members of June Kohorst Kroger established this scholarship, a 1943 graduate of St. Henry, to honor Mrs. Kroger’s love of all things, St. Henry. Each year, current juniors are invited to apply for this scholarship, awarded for their senior year. Applicants must submit an essay describing how they, like Mrs. Kroger, have worked to exemplify our five pillars of success during their years at SHDHS. Congratulations to Rachel!
Rachel Stanchek

2022-2023 June Kohorst Kroger Memorial Scholarship

The 2022-2023 Beth Wendling Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Jonathan Simkus. This scholarship was established in loving memory of Beth Wendling, a member of the SHDHS Class of 2008. Beth tragically passed away on January 12, 2005, during her freshman year, from complications following surgery. The mission of Beth’s scholarship is to provide ongoing assistance to a family with multiple students attending Catholic school(s). This annual scholarship is renewable, equating to a $4,000 award over the course of Jonathan’s high school career. Congratulations to Jonathan!
Jonathan Simkus

2022-2023 Beth Wendling Memorial Scholarship

The 2022-2023 Nick Wilde Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to freshman Brady Auchubon. This scholarship was established in loving memory of Nicholas Steven “Nick” Wilde, a 2013 graduate of SHDHS. The mission of this scholarship is to assist a student at St Henry District High School who has a real passion for something, whether it be a club, sport, service, academics, or other activity, is a focused competitor. The Wilde family was especially touched when they were notified that the applicant they had selected would be a goalie for this year’s men’s soccer team. “We are thrilled for Brady,” wrote the Wildes, “and feel it is a bonus that, like Nick, he secured a position as a goalie on the boy’s soccer team – reading that gave us both chills.” Congratulations to Brady!
Brady Auchubon

2022-2023 Nick Wilde Memorial Scholarship