Thank you from the cast and crew

The cast and crew of “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” would like to thank everyone who came to see this production. Each performance brought in a near-record crowd for the Drees Homes Auditorium, for a total of over 1400 attendees. It was an honor to...

March Madness Rostow Cup finals

The AP Human Geography Freshmen classes just finished their March Madness Rostow Cup finals this week. They compared the GDP, Life Expectancy, Literacy rates, and other data of countries around the world. Singapore came out as the winner! Congratulations, Team 3...

SHDHS STEM Students ~ Rube Goldberg Machine (RGM)

The STEM and STEM Honors students have been at it again! Our second project is now complete. Ask your students who Rube Goldberg was, what a Rube Goldberg Machine is, and why we build them in science class. Please enjoy these pictures of each of our engineering teams...

Taylor Preston ~ Gatorade Pay It Forward

Taylor Preston used the $1000 Gatorade Pay It Forward money to benefit the SHDHS feeder school volleyball/athletic programs. Taylor presented each school (MQH, IHM, St Timothy, St. Paul, and St. Henry) with a $200 check. Thank you, Taylor!

Cru Cafe “Spring Edition”

The Cru Cafe welcomed “Spring Fever” with lemonade, sweet tea, and Arnold Palmers. Each drink is severed with fresh mint and lemon slices. The Cru Cafe will be offering a sparkling blue Gatorade drink next week, April 8th as we celebrate Autism...