Be concern in Erlanger, KY

Be concern in Erlanger, KY Some of the SHDHS girls soccer players took part in a service project at Be concern in Erlanger, KY. Be Concerned, Inc is located in Covington and Erlanger.  Its mission is to assist low-income people of Northern Ky in obtaining basic...

Senior Art Show

Senior Art Show TWO big art shows over the last two weeks with the first being a show including Art 1, Art 2, Media Art, and Art 4 students the weekend of our musical and the second being the Senior Art Show that opened prior to the En Blanc event on April 9th. Both...

First place at the UC IT Expo

First place at the UC IT Expo Cyber Science Honors students William Bartlett, Anna Dinius, Michael Renaker, and Carson Schmidt won first place at the UC IT Expo with VIAS (Visually Impaired Assistance System) developed to outfit any private building for the visually...

Crusaders en Blanc ~ Class of 2022

Crusaders en Blanc ~ Class of 2022 SHDHS celebrates the class of 2022 with its Crusaders en Blanc celebration. SHDHS would like to thank all the parent volunteers and the generous donations which made this event a success. Special thanks to Carmen Summy and Deb Miller...

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

All Rise! Miss Vollmer’s English II students just finished reading A Separate Peace by John Knowles. The book is set in 1940s New England and delves into the lives of Gene Forrester and his best friend Phineas at the dawn of their adulthood and their impending...

Autism Awareness Month

Students and faculty wore blue and gathered at an assembly on Tuesday, April 5, to celebrate Autism Awareness month. Our focus was to provide education so that we can continue to increase understanding and acceptance of differences and foster inclusion. Senior Jay...