ST. HENRY SENIOR AMANDA SCHLUETER NAMED UNITED SOCCER COACHES ALL-AMERICA. FIRST ALL-AMERICAN AT ST. HENRY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL St. Henry senior Amanda Schlueter has been named to the United Soccer Coaches 2022 Fall High School All-America Team. She is the first...

All School Mass

On November 4, St. Henry District High School celebrates an All School...

Ping Pong Tournament a Success!

Ping Pong Tournament a Success! Ping Pong Club is one of SHDHS’ newest clubs! The Ping Pong Club held a Halloween Tournament where students competed against one another for a Chipotle gift card! The champion then competed against either Miss Vollmer or Mr....

Transfer Student Meetings

Transfer Student Meetings SHDHS has its monthly transfer meeting. Transfer students were taught with student-led programming everything a transfer student would need to know about SHDHS, and then they took some time to have a little fun. This month was a mummy contest...

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat Last week, SHDHS Clubs and Athletic Teams welcomed the families of close to 400 little trick-or-treaters for this year’s Crusader Trunk or Treat. Thank you to all our students, faculty moderators, and coaches for making this community event a huge...

Northern Kentucky Regional Youth Summit – Vaping/Tobacco Prevention

Northern Kentucky Regional Youth Summit – Vaping/Tobacco Prevention On Tuesday, October 25, eleven students represented SHDHS at the inaugural Northern Kentucky Regional Youth Summit – Vaping/Tobacco Prevention. The summit is a collaborative effort of many agencies...