St. Henry District High School Dances
Students of St. Henry District High School and their guests attending a dance sponsored by any SHDHS organization shall abide by the following dance policy.
Our goal is not to entirely restrict the generation’s style of dancing but to eliminate inappropriate and/or sexually suggestive movements which have been deemed inappropriate by the administration of the school. Examples of such dancing would be inappropriate touching and/or inappropriate bodily contact with one another. On-sight administrative representatives such as an adult chaperone or the sponsoring organization”s moderators will initially confront any dancing that is contrary to the Christian/Catholic standards upheld by the school. Also, any actions on the dance floor that may cause physical harm to the students will not be tolerated. If the verbal warning is ignored or the student gives an inappropriate response, further consequences and formal disciplinary action may be initiated.
PARENTALCONTACTParents are required to leave a phone number where they can be reached during the event. This rule applies to all guests, even those 18+ years old.
RULES | All school rules apply. Students must abide by the school’s Dress Code, Dance, Drug & Alcohol, and Tobacco Policies. Students may be randomly selected for a breathalyzer test at check-in. School will be dismissed at 1:00 PM to allow time for dance preparations. |
Attendees | Friendship Dance: Only SHDHS Students Homecoming Dance: All SHDHS Students and guests (high school age or graduate from the previous academic year) Prom: SHDHS Juniors and Seniors plus their guests (high school Sophomore through Senior, or graduate from the previous academic year) Students are permitted to bring one guest. Guests must abide by SHDHS school rules; SHDHS students assume full responsibility for their guests. |