Advanced Placement Test Information

What is Advanced Placement, and why is it important?
AP ® tests are college-level exams on specific subjects and are administered in May upon completing an AP course taken at a student’s high school. A high enough score at many colleges and universities will earn the student college credit. Sometimes, earning college credit can mean a lower college tuition bill.
AP tests are only offered for two weeks in May, so if you take them, you must plan.
What specifically do the APs test?
A lot. Similar to the SAT Subject Tests, AP tests cover a range of subjects from Biology to European History to Music Theory. There are currently over 38 AP test options, though few high schools offer classes in every subject. Want to know the full list? We’re glad you asked. See the full list of AP subjects.
How are the APs scored?
AP tests are scored on a scale of 1–5. While every college is different, most schools won’t accept AP scores for credit unless you score at least a 4. Learn more about AP credit.
When do AP scores come out?
AP scores are released each year in early July.
Do AP scores matter?
AP scores won’t affect your high school GPA or college admission chances. (The fact that you took AP courses when available is a different story!) But good AP scores can earn you college credit.
How do I register for AP tests?
AP tests are administered by The College Board, which also administers the SAT. However, not all AP tests are offered at every school.
The AP Exam sign-up time is September 28-November 8, 2021 Payment must be received by the counseling department no later than November 8. Contact Mrs. Lonneman with any questions at
The AP Exam fee is $105.00 for each exam taken.
Please select the boxes for the AP exam your student wishes to take.