General Academic Information
In order to attend college in Kentucky, a student must fulfill the basic graduation requirements as well as accumulate a minimum of 24 credits. These credits include 17 required credits plus 7 electives.
Required courses:
- (3) Social Studies
- (3) Sciences
- (3) Mathematics
- (4) Language Arts
- (2) Foreign Language
- (1) Visual and Performing Art
- (1/2) Health
- (1/2) Physical Education
Electives should be in academic or career interest based on the student’s individual learning plan.
Freshman Course Plan
- Religion I
- English I / English I Honors
- Biology / Biology Honors
- Algebra I / Algebra I Honors / Geometry Honors
- Health and Physical Education
- Crusader 101 / AP Human Geography
- *Foreign language – two consecutive years by graduation to meet the pre-college curriculum requirement
- *One creative or performing art by graduation is required by the state
Sophomore Course Plan
- Religion II
- English II / English II Honors
- Chemistry / Chemistry Honors
- Geometry / Geometry Honors /
- World History / World Civilization Honors / AP World Civilization
Junior Course Plan
- Religion III
- English III / English III Honors
- Algebra II / Algebra II Honors / Algebra III / Precalculus / Precalculus Honors / AP Calculus
- United States History / AP United States History
- Lab Science
Senior Course Plan
- Religion IV
- English IV / English IV Honors / AP English
- Government / Economics / AP Government
- Math Course
For the purpose of class standing (rank), certain classes will have weighted value. The weighted average will only be reflected in the student’s GPA and not on the report card as a grade in that particular course.
Any course listed in the Course of Study as an Honors level class will carry a weight of 1.04 times the grade earned in that class.
Any course listed in the Course of Study as an Advanced Placement (AP) level class will carry a weight of 1.08 times the grade earned in that class.
Any course listed in the Course of Study as a Dual Credit (DC) level class will carry a weight of 1.08 times the grade earned in that class.
For the purpose of class standing (rank), certain classes will have weighted value. The weighted average will only be reflected in the student’s GPA and not on the report card as a grade in that particular course.
Any course listed in the Course of Study as an Honors level class will carry a weight of 1.04 times the grade earned in that class.
Any course listed in the Course of Study as an Advanced Placement (AP) level class will carry a weight of 1.08 times the grade earned in that class.
Any course listed in the Course of Study as a Dual Credit (DC) level class will carry a weight of 1.08 times the grade earned in that class.
Letter Grade | Regular Courses | Honors/ Advanced | AP Courses Only Dual Credit Cambridge/ IB Courses | ||
A | 93 | 100 | 2.0 | 2.25 | 2.5 |
A- | 90 | 92 | 1.92 | 2.17 | 2.42 |
B+ | 87 | 89 | 1.84 | 2.15 | 2.34 |
B | 83 | 86 | 1.67 | 1.92 | 2.17 |
B- | 80 | 82 | 1.5 | 1.75 | 2.0 |
C+ | 77 | 79 | 1.34 | 1.59 | 1.84 |
C | 73 | 76 | 1.17 | 1.42 | 1.67 |
C- | 70 | 72 | 1.0 | 1.25 | 1.5 |
D+ | 67 | 69 | 0.84 | 1.09 | 1.34 |
D | 63 | 66 | 0.67 | 0.92 | 1.17 |
D- | 60 | 62 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 1.0 |
F | 59-below | 59-below | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
The following number of credits is necessary to advance to the next grade level:
- At the end of the freshman year, a student must have five credits to be classified as a sophomore for the coming school year.
- At the end of the sophomore year, a student must have eleven credits to be classified as a junior for the coming school year.
- At the end of the junior year, a student must have seventeen credits to be classified as a senior for the coming school year.
A student who has been held back because of a lack of credits may request to advance to his/her proper class standing at semester break. This student must earn enough credits by mid-year that would put the student back on track with his/her original classmates at the conclusion of the current school year. Credits may be earned each summer through an approved summer school. School permission is required for all make-up work.
The following is the pre-college curriculum requirements in the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
Subject | Credits | Course Description |
Language Arts | 4 | English I, II, III, IV (or AP English) |
Social Studies | 3 | World Civilization, US History, and Economics/Government |
Mathematics* | 3 | Algebra I, Geometry, and 2 Math elective *Students are required to take 4 years of math. |
Science | 3 | Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth/Space Science (at least three lab course) |
Health | 1/2 | |
Physical Education | 1/2 | |
Fine Arts | 1 | Visual or Performing Arts |
Foreign Language* | 2 | Two years of the same foreign language |
In addition to the state requirements, St. Henry District High School requires the following courses for graduation: Religion I | Religion II | Religion III | Religion IV Crusader 101 or AP Human Geography (Taken Freshman Year) *Please note: The information listed above is the pre-college curriculum requirements in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The minimum high school graduation requirements in Kentucky is 22 credits where students are not required to take the 2 years of a foreign language. Students must also meet the following obligations before graduation:
- Return all library materials
- Pay any fines or fees not yet paid
- Turn in any delinquent absentee notes
- Pass each semester of Senior English, Religion, and Government/Economics
- If necessary, register for summer school
- Return all school-issued textbooks
- Return all athletic equipment
- Pay all financial obligations to the school
- Continue to follow all school rules and regulations
Exams are administered to the entire student body at the conclusion of each semester. These exams are comprehensive for the entire semester in which they are given. Separate exam marks are given and recorded on the report card for these exams. Students are exempt from a second-semester exam if they have a 95 average for the 3rd and 4th quarters, or 93 average in each of the four quarters. Students who take an AP exam may be exempted from the end-of-the-year exam, per the teacher’s discretion. Students who miss an exam because of an absence must make up that exam by the end of the week in which exams are given. Exceptions to this must be approved by the administration.
The school year is divided into two semesters. Report cards are made available to students and parents at these times. St. Henry District High School operates on a numerical grading system. A grade of seventy or higher is passing. Semester averages are calculated by using the following formula: forty percent of each quarter grade in a given semester plus twenty percent of the semester exam grade from that semester. The yearly average is calculated by using the following formula: twenty percent of each quarter grade plus ten percent of each exam. All report cards will be mailed to the parents. Beginning with the second quarter report cards, report cards may be held for any delinquencies to the school. Final transcripts will also be held with any delinquencies. Report cards and final transcripts will be released as soon as all delinquencies are made up. Progress Reports Progress reports are available on-line through a website called Schoology. All students and their parents will be given an account with a password that gives access to that student’s information. Grades will be posted by the teachers on a regular basis. Students and parents can then access that information at any time during each quarter.
Unsatisfactory conduct calls for consideration and discussion on the part of the parent, student, and the teacher concerned. The numbers one through five are used as a code to indicate the following behavioral evaluations by the teachers:
- Outstandingly cooperative and mature
- On occasion conduct is outstanding
- Acceptable behavior
- Behavioral problem in class
- Serious behavioral problem in class
A mark of four or five is considered unacceptable classroom behavior. Additional specific comments numbered six through twenty may be made.
A student who fails to have the required number of credits per his/her grade level at the end of the school year is expected to make up the deficit in some manner. Working with the Credit Recovery Program and/or registration for the following year are possible ways of making up this credit. A school counselor must approve these options. English and Religion failures must be made up by the start of the next school year.
Please see the Building vs. Non-Building information in the Academic section of the website to review the policy on how a failure will be determined.
In the Credit Recovery Program, the maximum grade recorded will be seventy percent. For enrichment courses, the actual grade for that class will be recorded.
Mrs. Molly Roebker, Counselor
Phone: 859-525-5844, x4
Mrs. Kerry Evans, Counselor
Phone: 859-525-5844, x4
Mr. Billy Sarge, College & Career Advisor
Tel: 859-525-5844 x5
Mrs. Sydney Allender, Counselor
Tel: 859-525-5844 x3
Mrs. Ali Lonneman, Registrar & Test Coordinator
Tel: 859-525-5844 x1